The Tiger Who Came To Tea (With Lámh Signs)

story books with lámh Nov 08, 2023

(Music Credit - Book & Illustration Credit - Judith Kerr)

You probably already know how much I love reading stories to children. It's not just something I do professionally; it's also a delightful part of our family's bedtime routine.

My two boys have grown from enjoying simple pictures and storybooks to loving David Walliams' stories as they've gotten older. But here's the thing: books are not just for fun; they're a powerful tool in my kit as an early intervention specialist, supporting cognitive and language development from a young age.

Over the years, I've had a lot of fun recording videos of storybooks with Lámh signs. It always warms my heart when parents and teachers tell me how much their children enjoy these stories. So, this week, I decided to create a new video featuring Lámh signs, and the book I have chosen is an absolute classic - "The Tiger Who Came to Tea."

Let me take you back a bit. I stumbled upon this book years ago during a home visit with one of my little students, Hannah. She was always eager to engage in our play sessions (and so was I!). One day, she proudly showed me this book her parents read to her at bedtime - "The Tiger Who Came To Tea." Hannah adored it so much that she wanted to share it with me. Together, with the help of her mum, they read it aloud. I was instantly smitten with the story. Whenever I open the book, it brings back those fond memories of Hannah and her family.

This book is perfect for young children as it revolves around everyday life - home, dinnertime, and a surprise visitor...a tiger! With this story, you'll be delving into daily routines, mealtime, and various food items, and the engaging story will boost children's listening skills.

To make it easy for your little ones, I've recorded the story and included the book's pictures in the video, but if you'd like, you can watch it and learn all the Lámh signs, then read and sign this story to your child or student.

I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did when I first read it. It's a timeless treasure, and I can't wait to share it with you. Happy reading and signing! 😊

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