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Lámh Sign For HALLOWEEN sign of the week Oct 06, 2021

The Sign Of The Week

Autumn is here, and with it, Halloween! Woo woo!  In this video, I will show you the Lámh sign for Halloween.

In this video, I will show you the Lámh sign for Halloween.

(The Lámh official website is www.lamh.org)

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Lámh Sign For TO CUT sign of the week Sep 29, 2021

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.

This sign has two variations, depending on what are you cutting with, a knife or scissors. Look at the video for a demonstration of the two variations of the sign for CUT or TO CUT.

(The Lámh official website is www.lamh.org)

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Lámh Sign For AUTUMN sign of the week Sep 22, 2021

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.

In this video, we have the sign for AUTUMN.

Autumn is here and we are getting ready for lovely Autumn theme crafts in the classroom. For many young children with special needs, the concept of the seasons is difficult to grasp. Using a sign and a picture with the word will help them understand that concept.

Using tangible things they can associate with...

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Lámh Sign For GAME sign of the week Sep 15, 2021

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.

GAME is a slightly different sign than the ones I have taught you so far because is a two-part sign. A two part-sign means that it's a combination of two gestures that make the sign.

First, sign "play" and then change both hands to L handshape with your palms facing your body and fingers facing down and flick both hands out from in front of your body.


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Benefits of yoga for children with special needs interviews Sep 09, 2021

Benefits of yoga for children with special needs (An interview with Sinéad Foley from Little Cubs Yoga).

In this video, I have a conversation with Sinead Foley, the founder of Little Cubs Yoga, a pilates instructor, a yoga teacher and the mum of 4 children, one with Down syndrome.

In our conversation, we speak about the benefits of yoga for all, how yoga can help children...

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Lámh Sign For HELLO sign of the week Sep 08, 2021

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.

In this video, you will learn the Lámh sign for HELLO.

I am very excited to introduce the first Sign Of The Week for this school year, the sign for HELLO.

I have had the pleasure of working with many teachers and SNAs that will be working with children using Lámh in Junior Infants, or in their first year of preschool.

Many of these children...

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Lámh Sign For Holiday sign of the week Jun 23, 2021

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.

In this video, you will learn the sign for HOLIDAY. I know, the glorious sunshine that we have enjoyed over the past week or so is gone and it’s chilly outside today, but this Friday, school is officially out for the summer holidays so let’s get ready to enjoy the outdoors as soon as the sun comes out again.


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Lámh Sign For Sports sign of the week Jun 15, 2021

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.

We are coming to the end of the school year, many preschools and schools have a fun sports day. Are you doing this with your class too?

It is a great way to celebrate the good weather and the start of the school holidays. So today, you will learn a sign that you will surely need for this. The sign for SPORTS.

The sign of the week, starting on Monday the...

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TIP No. 4 - Learn The Language tips for teachers Jun 15, 2021

The current school year is coming to an end soon, and we are all starting to look at the list of new students we will be working with next September.

TIP #4.
Learn The Language

No, I am not asking you to learn a new language!

But I am asking you to find out how your new student communicates, as some children with developmental delays may not be able to speak just yet.

In order to communicate,...

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TIP No. 3 - Safety Issues tips for teachers Jun 09, 2021


The current school year is coming to an end soon, and we are all starting to look at the list of new students we will be working with next September.

If you are working with a student with special educational needs in September, I have some tips for you!

Today I will share Tip #3
Safety Issues!

Before September, remember to ask this ONE question to parents of new children coming into your...

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Lámh Sign For Summer sign of the week May 26, 2021

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.

Today you will learn the sign for SUMMER. I know, I know, it's quite chilly outside for May. But we are officially in the sunny season, so let's get ready to enjoy the outdoors as soon as the sun comes out :-)

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TIP No. 2 - Take Photos tips for teachers May 26, 2021

Today’s tip involves taking your camera out (or your phone), taking photos of the school, and not forgetting to take a selfie. Why?
Because you want to create a photo book for your new student.

So today, I will share Tip #2
Take photos!

Creating a book about the new preschool or school will help your student become familiar with what he/she will find there next September.

Take pictures of...

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TIP No. 1 - Call And Say Hi tips for teachers May 19, 2021

The current school year is coming to an end soon, and we are all starting to look at the list of new students we will be working with next September.

If you are going to be working with a student with special educational needs in September, I have some tips for you.

Today I will share Tip 1:
Call and say Hi!

Yes, the first tip is as simple as calling the child´s parents and introduce...

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Lámh Sign For Quick sign of the week May 19, 2021

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.

This video will teach you a sign you can use while playing fun games with all children in the class. It is the sign for QUICK.

Quick/fast and slow are some of the opposite words I teach to my students. I initially used pictures to teach these, but I quickly realised that it didn’t make too much sense for my students to learn these concepts from...

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Lámh Sign For Week sign of the week May 12, 2021

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.

This is a sign you can use every day during circle time or assembly.

Once children are 3-4 years of age, most preschool teachers introduce the days of the week. At that age, most preschoolers don’t fully understand the concept of time, but it’s ok to start talking about the days of the week and what day is today during circle time.


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Lámh Signs For Days Of The Week sing & sign with lámh May 12, 2021

Welcome to Sing & Sign.

Children can begin to associate activities that happen on different days. For example, on Mondays, they go back to school, on Fridays, there is no homework, and on Wednesdays, they do P.E. in school.

Even if they haven’t fully grasped the concept of time, they learn to associate different days with different activities.

In this video, I show you the signs for...

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Lámh Sign For Recycle sign of the week May 05, 2021

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.

One of our generation’s values to pass on to our children is the love for our planet.
I know this is a topic all schools work on by building habits like disposing of waste in bins.

Children can also learn to recycle by repurposing items instead of throwing them away. Making a robot with cardboard boxes and making a bowling set from plastic bottles can...

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Early Signs Of Autism interviews Apr 08, 2021

Early Signs Of Autism (An Interview By Marianela Datti From Real Connections).

For years, the autism community promoted Autism Awareness in April. This year, we are not only promoting awareness but acceptance too. We want communities to foster acceptance and embrace autistic people all around the world.

With this in mind and thinking in particular of parents of young children with signs of...

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Lámh Sign For Please sign of the week Apr 07, 2021

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.

One of the signs that parents and teachers often ask me for is the sign for PLEASE.
So, I thought you would like to try it too!

While it is important for all children to learn manners and words associated with politeness, children with language delays might need more time to understand and learn how and when to use these words.

So, when is the best time to...

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The Easter Egg Hunt signs for occasions Apr 04, 2021

Signs For The Easter Egg Hunt.

This week, I recorded a video for you to learn all the Lámh signs you need for the Easter egg hunt. 

We want to support children who use Lámh to be able to sign everyday activities, including special occasions, like Easter.

Children with communication difficulties will need you to explain clearly how the Easter egg hunt works. Using Lámh...

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Lámh Sign For Easter Egg sign of the week Mar 24, 2021

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week.

As you will see in the video, I have a little helper with me this week teaching the sign of the week. My son Sebastian is showing you one of the essential Easter signs: EASTER EGG.

You can learn more about Easter signs on my YouTube channel.
Click HERE to view these signs.

Last year, my children and I had a lot of fun recording an EASTER EGG HUNT...

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