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Dear Santa (Read With Lámh Signs) story books with lámh Nov 30, 2022

(Illustrations and book credit Rod Campbel)

This blog has a surprise for you: a Christmas story read with Lámh signs.

I recorded a video of the book "Dear Santa" by Rod Campbell.

You will find a list of the Lámh signs used below, as I use a combination of Lámh signs and natural gestures, so you know which is which.

I hope you and your children enjoy watching it!


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How To Teach Pointing To Children ask silvia Nov 25, 2022

(Photo 133112104 © Melpomenem | Dreamstime.com)

In today's blog, I answer a question a mom sent me recently:

How can I teach pointing to my 2yrs 4months nonverbal child, so he can tell me what he wants?

So let's go straight to the point and learn all about pointing.

Pointing is an important milestone for young children.
Some children point using their index finger, although others...

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Become your own CEO - My Message To Parents interviews Nov 17, 2022

Become your own CEO - My Message To Parents
(An Enable Ireland Podcast)

Enable Ireland has launched its new Podcast (and a video version of it, too), called Enable Conversations, and I was honoured to be their first guest.

In this conversation with its host, Sebastian Koppe, I speak about my experience as a parent and professional. 

I also share what interventions I implemented...

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How to extend your child's attention span early intervention Oct 26, 2022

I have recorded a free mini-training video answering some of the questions I received over the past while. 

In this video, I discuss the topic:


How to help expand children's attention span. 


You may be interested in this week's topic if your child or student:

  • Wanders around the classroom or the playroom, exploring toys but not playing with them.
  • ...
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It's Pumpkin Day, Mouse (With Lámh Signs) story books with lámh Oct 05, 2022

(Credits: Written by Laura Numeroff & Illustrated by Felicia Bond

It's Pumpkin Day, Mouse (With Lámh Signs)


Halloween is a very exciting time of the year for the kids. Spooky costumes, trick or treating, and the thought of getting enough sweets to last them for an entire year have all kids ecstatic.

I have a little surprise for you here, and it's not a spooky one.


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What questions would you ask me if we were having a coffee together early intervention Sep 27, 2022

What would you ask me if we were having a coffee together?

As I prepare new vlogs and articles, I want to ensure that the new content I create is helpful to you. And that is why I would love to hear what's in your mind.

Would you like to know more about parenting a child with additional needs? Or about early intervention for children with autism or Down...

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10 tips to help children understand the meaning of words early intervention Sep 21, 2022

(Photo 132965293 © Fizkes | Dreamstime.com)

10 tips to help children understand the meaning of words

When we support children who are not speaking yet, we tend to be anxious for them to say their first wordsHowever, we must first focus on understanding language and the meaning of words, as children need to understand words before using them to...

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Lámh Sign For STORY sign of the week Sep 14, 2022

(Illustration 86129827 © Alexander Shatilov | Dreamstime.com)

Welcome to The Sign Of The Week

Lámh Sign For STORY

I encourage you to practice reading STORIES with Lámh signs. 

You can learn to sign for Susan Laughs and then read it to your kids or watch my video with the little ones.

Most names are signed with the first letter of their name, so here's...

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Susan Laughs (With Lámh Signs) story books with lámh Sep 14, 2022

(Credits: Susan Laughs is written by Jeanne Willis and illustrated by Tony Ross) 

Susan Laughs (Read with Lámh Signs)

Do you use Lámh when you read stories in the classroom or at home? 

Using signs while reading books can be a bit tricky at first. You may not know all the signs, and it's hard to read a new story and sign along if you haven't...

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3 Ways To Make The Most Of Therapy Time articles Sep 07, 2022

3 Ways To Make The Most Of Therapy Time

You may not be surprised to hear that services for children with disabilities are stretched...to say the least! 

Parents and teachers are crying out for support, and direct therapist intervention is scarce
But you can do something to maximise the benefits of the time available with...

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Lámh Sign For Name sign of the week Sep 07, 2022

(Illustration 247078148 © Colorfuelstudio | Dreamstime.com)

Welcome to The Sign Of The Week

Lámh Sign For NAME

As children return to school and meet new faces, you will need the sign for NAME. You can use this sign to talk about other children, who they are and their names.

In Lámh, we typically use the first letter of the person’s name to sign any names. For example,...

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How I helped prepare my autistic son for his first a trip abroad articles Aug 31, 2022

(Photo 20707953 © Alain Lacroix | Dreamstime.com)

 How we helped Sebastian prepare for the trip to Helsinki

Here in the Angel household, we did different things this summer.

Typically every summer, we spend a few weeks near Barcelona with my parents (that’s where I am from originally).

But not this summer!

One of my nieces got married in Helsinki, Finland, where she lives, and...

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Time To Go Home (With Lámh Signs) sing & sign with lámh Jun 15, 2022

Time To Go Home Song (With Lámh Signs)

In today's blog, I will teach you the last of the three songs I recorded recently; Time To Go HomeI learned this song from a speech therapist I worked with many years ago, I loved this song, and to this day, I sing it to children at the end of their visits with me at the clinic.

I sing it every time for the little ones, so when...

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Lámh Sign For HOLIDAY 2022 sign of the week Jun 15, 2022

(Illustration 74874278 © Kyrylo Halkin | Dreamstime.com)

Welcome to last The Sign Of The Week of the school term 2022

First, I want to say a massive THANK YOU for following The Sign Of The Week. I am so moved every time teachers and parents share stories with me about how Lámh has given children who can´t speak a voiceThank you for your commitment to teaching and...

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Clean Up Song (With Lámh Signs) sing & sign with lámh Jun 08, 2022

The Clean Up Song (With Lámh Signs)

Last week you learned the signs for the Happy Birthday song. This week, I have another song plus tutorial for you.

Today, you will learn the Lámh signs for The Clean Up song.

If you work with young children, you most likely use this song to get your kids to put things away. If you didn't know this song before, you will see your kids...

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Lámh Sign For FATHER sign of the week Jun 08, 2022

(Illustration 19390512 © Yael Weiss | Dreamstime.com)

Welcome to a very special Sign Of The Week

I am honoured to have this Sign Of The Week presented by Pádraig O'Callaghan, a 12-year-old boy with Down Syndrome from Limerick

You may already know him for his well-known Monday Motivation 'Paudcast'. Pádraig is a young self-advocate for people with all...

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Happy Birthday Song (With Lámh Signs) sing & sign with lámh Jun 01, 2022

I have recorded 3 new songs for you!

This week, I had fun recording three songs with Lámh signs in our studio.
More than likely, you often sing these songs at home and in the classroom. 

We are going to do one song a week for the next three weeks (Coinciding with the last three weeks of the school term)

The songs are:

Happy birthday.
Clean Up.
Time To Go Home.

The first song we are...

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Lámh Sign For TO RUN sign of the week Jun 01, 2022

(Illustration 19390512 © Yael Weiss | Dreamstime.com)

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week

Lámh Sign For TO RUN

As the end of the school year is approaching, many preschools and schools have a Sports Day.

In this video, you will learn a Lámh sign you will need during Sports Day, the sign for TO RUN.

To sign for TO RUN, place both hands in S hand shape, with your palms facing you....

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Is it reinforcement or bribery? articles May 25, 2022

(Photo 229623173 © Picsfive | Dreamstime.com)


Is it reinforcement or bribery?

As educators and parents, we offer praise when our children cooperate and follow instructions. We might even provide reinforcements for it, such as when we ask them to do a tabletop task and once completed, the child can play with their favourite toy.

Other times, we use reinforcers to get us out of...

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Lámh Sign For CLASS sign of the week May 25, 2022

(Illustration 86517877 © Marinamays | Dreamstime.com)

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week

This week you will learn the Lamh sign for CLASS.

This sign can be used with two different words: CLASS or GROUP. You can sign CLASS to refer to the classroom, the children in the class, and the word GROUP.

To sign for CLASS or GROUP, place both hands in L hand shape, palms facing each other, fingers...

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Lámh Sign For HAPPY sign of the week May 18, 2022

(Illustration 34606441 © Tigatelu | Dreamstime.com)

Welcome to the Sign Of The Week

Can you believe there are only six weeks before the school year finishes? Visiting schools, I love feeling the buzz: more outdoor activities, sports days, and school trips—lots of happy fun things.  

So, in this video, I will show you the Lámh sign for HAPPY.

Watch the video to see...

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